Livingston Fire Department
Livingtson, NJ
62 South Livingston AveLivingston, NJ 07039
Christopher Mullin
Kevin Francione
Ralph Rea – F1
Engine Company 1
CaptainC. D’Andrea
LieutenantD. Drylie
CompanyM. Taylor*D. DubrowC. ZapataR. ParisJ. GreeneM. Taylor Jr.L. GiordanoD. McPhersonS. Dubrow
Engine Company 2
CaptainJ. Kedrie
LieutenantD. Russo
CompanyK. NugentM. FusariJ. MelhornO. KenneyR. ShaharB. RussoZ. Melhorn
Truck Company 1
CaptainP. Holub
LieutenantC. Connolly
CompanyJ.C. Durish*W. Gethard E. ChedisterT. FoleyK. KennyC. MelhornD. Britt
Engine Company 6
Reserve Engine
* Denotes Past Deputy Chief of Department
Photos by Jan Press Photo MediaUsed with Permission